rather special Eucharist with this stranger, who at the end staggered out of the
door, shouting: “It was great being with you”!
But he left his bottle behind!
Brigitte Williams
(Norbert Roth wrote his story in: Andere Zeiten 2, 2009)
Thank you for all your enquiries during my illness.
I have now settled into David Walker Gardens, just off the Main Street and
Main Bus routes (7, 7A, 89 & 90).
Once I’ve gathered my strength, I
hope to be able to attend St Oswald’s
for Sunday services and, of course,
I’ll be delighted to have visitors at:
Room 48
David Walker Gardens
McCallum Avenue
G73 3 AL
Tel: 0141 647 4781
In the meantime, thanks to everyone for their care, their concern and their
visits during my recent hospital stays.
Joyce McHaffie
A & E at the Victoria Infirmary closes at 8.00 am on 16th May.
If you are a South Sider, your nearest A & E is now part of the South Glasgow
University Hospital and Royal Hospital for Sick Children at the former Southern
General, but please remember:
Only use an A & E Dept for serious injuries and major emergencies.
For everything else, there are local hospital-based Minor Injury Units
at the New Victoria, GP services (including out of hours via NHS24)
and your local pharmacy.
If you think it is an emergency, phone 999.
Call NHS24 on 111 – they’ll advise you on what’s best to do.
NHS24 can also refer you to the GP out-of-hours service if you
need to see a doctor before your surgery reopens.
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