StOM StOM 1505 | Page 13

bishoprics in London and Rochester, but attempts to persuade the Celtic bishops to submit to his authority failed. After his death on 26 May 604 Augustine was soon revered as a Saint. 27 May The Venerable Bede (also referred to as St Bede) Lived 672/73 to 26 May 735 Bede was an English monk at the Northumbrian monastery of St Peter at Monkwearmouth near Newcastle. He was of noble birth and entered the monastery aged 7 to be educated. In 682 he moved to St Paul’s at Jarrow, both monasteries had superb libraries and Bede was known as a scholar and prolific author in Latin. He translated the early Church Fathers and contributed significantly to the English Church. His most famous work is The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, completed in 731, which gained him the title ‘Father of English History’ His non-historical works on grammar, chronology and biblical studies contributed greatly to the Carolingian Renaissance. He was Priest to Saint Cuthbert who described Bede’s death in a letter. He died at Jarrow on 26 May 735 and was buried there. In 1899 he was made a ‘Doctor of the Church’, the only native Britain to receive that title. What’s On @ ST Oswald’s Monday 1000-1200 SEQUENCE DANCE H Warnock 01355 265233 1830-2030 TAE KWAN DO P Coyle 0774 778 9855 1900-2100 (Last/month) Kings Park Community Council Tuesday 1730 & 1930 Slimming World C Ellis 0773 353 8448 1930-2130 St Oswald’s Vestry (First/month) Wednesday 0930 Slimming World 1900-2200 SEQUENCE DANCE Thursday 1000-1200 SEQUENCE DANCE 1830-2030 TAE KWAN DO Friday 1900-2000 AA Contact James or Helpline 08475 697 555 StOM Page 13