StOM 1903 StOM 1905 | Page 2

W elcome to our Church and to our magazine where we’ll try to keep you up to date with everything that’s happening in and around St Oswald’s. Each issue will be available as a printed and electronic (pdf) version which can be e-mailed to wherever you are or read on-line. All the relevant contact details are given so for more information on subscribing, to contribute articles or just to ask anything about St Oswald’s, please get in touch! IN THE APRIL EDITION: Let Food be Your Medicine In Remembrance Behind the Name Vestry Notes Saints & Others Remembered in May Internet & Social Media for Beginners Rota Calendar May 2019 Page 04 Page 05 Page 06 Page 09 Page 14 Page 16 Page 19 03 1030-1130 Prayer Circle Meeting & Eucharist @ St Ninians’s, 1 Albert Drive 04 1000-1100 Healing Service @ St Ninians’s, 1 Albert Drive 11 1000-1200 Coffee Morning @ St Ninians’s, 1 Albert Drive 12 3:30 Second Sunday Concert @ St Margaret’s Newlands Simon Evans (violin) performs sonatas by Beethoven and Richard Strauss 16 Thursday Knit & Knatter. St Margaret’s Newlands. 1000-1200 Bring your own knitting, sewing etc. Refreshments provided & it’s FREE! 19 St Oswald’s Magazine material required. 01 June 1000-1100 Healing Service @ St Ninians’s, 1 Albert Drive SEC & Anglican Calendar of Prayer for May 2019 Pray for the Anglican Church of Kenya The Most Revd Jackson Ole 05 Sapit - Primate and Archbishop of All Kenya Muranga South (Kenya) The Rt Revd Julius Karanu Wa Gicheru (Diocesan Bishop) Zaki-Biam (Nigeria) The Rt Revd Benjamin Vanger 12 (Diocesan Bishop) Ikwerre (Nigeria) The Rt Revd Blessing Enyindah (Diocesan Bishop) Pray for the Anglican Church of Melanesia The Most Revd George Takeli 19 - Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia and Bishop of Central Melanesia. (Saint Augustine / Anglican Communion Sunday) Pray for all members of the Anglican Communion, for the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby, for all primates and bishops, for the Anglican 26 Consultative Council, for the Secretary General, the Most Revd Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, for the staff at the Anglican Communion Office in London and the UN offices in Geneva and New York. 2