StOM 1903 StOM 1903 | Page 3

Pastoral Care during vacancy Should you require pastoral guidance, including booking Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, contact Rev Dr. Scott Robertson via the office during working hours or, for emergencies, out of hours, on (0141-632-3292). St Margaret’s Newlands Church Administrator: Juliet Mugwanda Office Hours 09:30 – 13:30 Mon – Fri 353/355 Kilmarnock Rd Glasgow G43 2DS Tel: 0141-636-1131 (with voicemail) [email protected] Reverend Canon Dr Scott Robertson BD MA PhD 22 Monteith Road Glasgow G43 2NY Tel: 0141-632-329 [email protected] Visiting Priests Providing Sunday Cover@ St Oswald’s 03/03 10/03 Sally Gorton Barnabas Oguguo 17/03 24/03 31/03 TBC Eamonn Rodgers TBC FLOWERS We admire the floral displays on a Sunday, and many are in memory of a loved one since past. All are welcome to pop their donation into the Flower Tin. Please include the details, name & anniversary date if your donation is to remember a loved one. The tin, with its contents, are presented and blessed during the Offertory on Sunday mornings. Dorothy Nicholson (NB No flowers in Lent) “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. “ Martin Luther King, Jr. 3