StOM 1812-1901 StOM 1812-1901 | Page 28

Thank you Lesley-ann, In her personal profile, before she came to St Oswald’s, Lesley-ann wrote that she was resilient. I don’t think she could ever have imagined how resilient she would have to be during her time with us! But she also said she liked to laugh, whenever possible, and this she has done, although there have been tears too! Whether she was celebrating the Eucharist, making pastoral visits, hospital visits, praying alongside others - she brought her unique style to her ministry. She was also active maintaining links with other churches and raising Saint Oswald’s profile in the community, in parish groups, schools and with fellow dog walkers. Her parish administration often extended beyond her remit and comfort zone, with property duties such as clearing drains! Lesley-ann and Ashley leave with our prayers and best wishes for the next stage in their lives. 28