StOM 1812-1901 StOM 1812-1901 | Page 17

But regardless of the new that lies before us, how we choose to look at and think about those seasons of newness will determine whether we walk through them with peace, hope and joy, or with heartache, anxiety and fear. When we intentionally choose to believe God’s new is always good — even if we didn’t ask for it, want it or understand it — we can step into the new with courage, bravery, a positive attitude and an unsinkable faith. Letting go of the old frees up our hearts to embrace God’s new for us. A prayer to help Dear Jesus, I’m in a scary season of “new,” and at times, I wish I could change things. Help me stay tied to You as my anchor, rather than tying myself to negativity and fear which can gradually sink me and my faith. Help me trust in Your ways and Your good with my whole heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. With so much love and feelings of joy for you all. Have a blessed new year and new beginning. Rev Lesley-ann + over, but not out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STIR UP SUNDAY Stir-up Sunday is an informal term in Anglican churches for the last Sunday before the season of Advent, 25 November 2018. It gets its name from the beginning of the collect for the day in the Book of Common Prayer, which begins with the words, "Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people". The last Sunday of the Church Year, the Sunday before Advent, is often called 'Stir-up Sunday'. (Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas.) Stir- up Sunday is the traditional day, that harks back to Victorian times, when everyone in the family to gather together and take a turn at stirring the Christmas pudding, whilst making a wish. Traditionally, the pudding is made on Stir Up Sunday, which is about five weeks before Christmas; the last Sunday before the Christian season of Advent. This is because the pudding also contains suet, which helps keep the pudding moist and rich. So, it is hoped that you put on your apron and gather family or friends around to make a Christmas pudding. It's the day when wishes are said to come true, so get stirring! 17