Bonhoeffer – Agent of Grace
The movie is, a dramatized
account of Bonhoeffer’s life and
work, but appears to be quite
faithful to his writings and to the
known facts of his biography.
Starting with the period leading up
to the Second World War, we
follow Bonhoeffer’s journey of faith
and development; the important
influence his visits to the USA and
Britain had on these. And we also
see the context of the effects of
growing National Socialism
(Nazism) on the German Church
and the challenges of conscience
these presented to Christians.
The story reflects Bonhoeffer’s
own conflicts, and personal
bravery – and mediates some of
his key theology quite effectively,
in this accessible film. It is undoubtedly a favourable portrayal of
Bonhoeffer, but a valuable starting point in raising the issues that confronted
both individuals and church institutions during that violent time of the world’s
history. And we might say that we continue to experience some of the same
issues in our own time, where strident populism surrounding xenophobia and
racism is fast replacing thoughtful politics and reasoned understanding.
We find ourselves asking the question: what would we have done? One
feels that with Bonhoeffer we have a Christian theologian who lived what he
believed and who continues to speak to the believing heart in times of
confusion and darkness.
The film is a quality production, easy to watch for its own sake, as well as for
any other value it might have for the use of a study group, or as part of a
series of studies. If used in that way the film is divided into chapters, easily
accessible; and subtitles are an option. A thoughtful provocative resource for
a group of seekers or believers.
Available from Amazon and other on-line retail sites at prices for new and
used ranging between £7.50 to £11.00.
Click here for a summary of the movie on You Tube.