Letter from the Croft from a very poorly priest.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Probably one of the most well-known Bible verses of all time, Jeremiah
29:11. It assures us that God hasn’t forgotten about us, but rather that
everything we are going through is part of his agenda. And what is even
more comforting, is that God will be with us every step of the way,
encouraging and supporting us from the front row.
But it doesn’t always feel like that does it. Just when things at church feel
good, something happens to derail any plans that we may make, or, when
our personal lives appear to be on an even keel along comes an illness or a
huge bill etc. So why do we bother to keep getting up in the morning, why do
we keep hoping that today will be different, that the next plan will work out,
that the next week will have no pitfalls, that all will be well, and all manner of
things will be well; to quote Julian of Norwich.
I like to think it is because we have a God who loves us, and knows the
plans He has for us, and that we may not understand those plans but we do
trust Him. I also like to think that we as a church family can lift each other up
when one of us is down, be it through illness or hard times. And, in the good
times, which do happen :-) we can rejoice together.
My GP responded to my recent tears and concerns for my church thus:
“Don’t panic, never panic. God has good plans for you and for the people
you love.”
I know He does, however, first I must remember that He has plans to heal
me, and I must try to rest to enable that to happen properly.
I am praying for you, please pray for me and Ashley.
God bless you
Lesley-ann +
Thank you to Rev Sally Gorton for arranging the visiting Priests and Lay
Readers who supported St Oswald’s in the absence of Rev Lesley-ann.
06 th Ros Brett, Lay Reader
03 rd Revd Canon Prof John Riches
13t h Revd Malcolm Crook
10 th Chris Brett, Lay Reader
20 Revd Malcolm Crook
Service of the Word
27 th Stewart Wood, Lay Reader
17 th Revd Eamonn Rodgers
24 th Revd Eamonn Rodgers