StOM 1803 StOM 1803 | Page 4

Joking aside , I often give something up or give something that I love away , to remind me that I have so much ; and God provides well for me every day . For me , giving up something for lent is not only about self-sacrifice , it is more about acknowledging the abundance of God ’ s love , the abundance of produce that I can access any time I want too . My freedom to worship , and my freedom to travel . My freedom to access health care and education . We in the global West are so very well provided for , and we in Britain have developed the bad habit of forgetting that important detail . I only must look at my rubbish bin , full of leftover food , plastic wrapping from imported fruit , household goods that are no longer wanted , and other things a woman in another part of the world could only dream of having daily , all items that I really don ’ t need to be able to survive . The bin is even emptied for me . No long hot walks to a rubbish tip far away from the rectory so that my family won ’ t suffer cholera , typhoid , small pox , etc . And I hose the bin out with water that I don ’ t need to walk a mile to collect from a filthy stinking ditch .
Lent brings a lot to think about , pray about , and a lot to give thanks to God and others for . This period of lent can be an annoyance of an old-fashioned idea of piety , or , it can be a lovely reminder of abundant love from God ; So ,
who needs Valentine ’ s day ?
I ’ ll let you know how this goes . I am a little fearful . I truly love my cake , which is probably why it ’ s a good thing to put it aside for Lent .

But at the end of six weeks ( six weeks !!!), I shall be thinner , and closer to God .

Congregational Roll and Address Book
Every blessing

Lesley-ann +

This is a final call for the return of the congregational roll and address book pro-forma . The form also had a short questionnaire regarding the monthly magazine .
The Priest requires to have as up to date contact details regarding their congregation as is possible . If you would like to provide an emergency contact or an “ important person ” please add that to the form .
You will find blank copies of the form on top of the hymn book cabinet at the back of the church and the completed forms can be left in the tray for me .

Morag McHaffie

Vestry Secretary