StOM 1802 StOM 1802 | Page 9

FLOWERS We admire the floral displays on a Sunday and many are in memory of a loved one since past. All are welcome to pop their donation into the Flower Tin. Please include the details, name & anniversary date if your donation is to remember a loved one. The tin with its contents are presented and blessed during the Offertory on a Sunday morning. Dorothy Nicholson Magazine A short questionnaire was distributed with the AGM reports and The Vestry needs your feedback to ensure that sufficient magazines are printed and there is as little wastage as possible. So please return the form asap. Subscriptions are due 10 copies @ 70 p = £7 Please give your subscription monies or cheque to Brigitte Williams - Cheques made payable to St Oswald’s SEC. Do not forget St Oswald’s has a website and the magazine is always in an electronic format for yourself, family and friends around the world to keep up with our news and growth. Thank you The Editor MOVEMENT IS LIFE This was the motto of The Womens League of Health and Beauty, an exercise class of which I have been a member for 63 years. I joined when I was 15 and was always “sporty” enjoying cycling and swimming and keeping myself fit. However, things change in life, marriage, home, children, parents and work etc so gradually the cycling stopped and ultimately swimming on a regular basis stopped too. However, I clung determinedly onto my keep fit class throughout all these years. The name of the class has changed several times trying to modernise and it’s now called Flexercise, but the exercises have stayed much the same. I feel it has done me a lot of good over all the years and even after my 9