StOM 1802 StOM 1802 | Page 7

Dear Lesley Ann, Just a little note to say a big thank you for a beautiful service. It really was a celebration of a life very well lived. The church was such a large part of her life and she thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. Can you also thank the congregation for their friendship and all their help. She very much enjoyed all the company in the many activities and I know she will be very much missed. She had many true friends! Her choice of Julio as her last song was such a bright finish to a sad day. I can still see her in my mind as she started dancing around and moving her shoulders in time! What a lady! Thanking you all Ada WORSHIP LEADER’S COURSE There will be the opportunity for those seeking training as authorised Lay Worship Leaders to do so at the Worship Leader’s Course. This takes place over 5 sessions and is a requirement if the individual is to be licensed by the Bishop for this role. Bishop Gregor will offer this training. The sessions will take place in the Diocesan Centre each Tuesday evening from 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm on the following dates: Session 1: Tuesday, 30 January Session 2: Tuesday, 6 February Session 3: Tuesday, 13 February Session 4: Tuesday, 20 February Session 5: Tuesday, 27 February Candidates should have the support of their Rector and Vestry and those intending to attend should register with the Diocesan Centre by 23 January. The Diocesan Centre can be reached on Tel: 0141 221 5720 and by email on [email protected] Yours sincerely, Gordon Revd Canon Gordon B. Fyfe Synod Clerk Bishop’s advisor on Lay Ministries 7