Stoked Journeys…
From The Editor…
Welcome to our 2nd Issue…
Yay…woo hoo…right on!!!
Thank you to my family and friends for
their overwhelming support as I travel
through “this journey” with the
business. YOU ALL mean so much to
me. This couldn’t have happened if
YOU ALL didn’t have faith in me.
We had a lot of great reviews from our
1st issue and look forward to more great
responses as we grow. New advertisers
are jumping on board and I’m always
finding goodies to incorporate.
We are hoping to offer “print” versions
soon! If YOU are interested in receiving
a “print” version of Stoked Journeys
magazine, please contact us to get on
the “list”!
In Every Issue
Kewl Kat Spotlight, pg. 3
Travel Corner, pg. 4
Featured Destination, pg. 5
Recipe(s) of the Month, pg. 9
Featured Health Bit, pg. 10
Livin’ Life Corner, pg. 11
Quote(s) of the Month, pg. 12
Featured Spotlights, pg. 13
Cruise Corner,
pg. 15
Remember this…
Life is but one journey…it is up to US to
choose how we travel it!
Until our next issue…
Hang Ten…Fore…Mahalo…
Stay Kewl…
-Forever Stoked