never, ever asks for help. Even
though that image of strength has
evolved, men, and often women,
are still reluctant to ask for help.
What we need to realize though, is
that most women know the
benefits of tapping into the
resources and expertise of others,
and have found that it’s an
incredibly efficient and effective
way to get things done. Ask for
help when you need it.
It’s also a good idea to offer help
and extend a helping hand to
other women. Think about it,
women are natural collaborators.
We know the significance of a
helping hand. Giving of our time,
knowledge, understanding,
empathy and support can be
incredibly beneficial. This can lead
to improved opportunities, and
sets a positive example. Helping
other women claim their power
and passion is always a sound
investment. When the hands that
rock the cradle join together, Look
out world.
Lead Like a Lady
Ultimately it’s important for women in
leadership positions to reach out and bring
other women into the fold. When we join
forces, the benefits have a powerful ripple
effect that goes far beyond one or two women.
No individual woman is as creative, skilled, or
powerful as we are together. We need to step
up and take our place as leaders, and make a
positive impact on our companies, our
communities, and our world. It’s time to lead
like a lady.
I'M Just Saying...
the bride is walked down the aisle and is “given away.”
My question is what do we do with this Scripture?
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is
united to his wife, and they become one flesh (Genesis
2:24, Matthew 19:5 NIV).
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Was Juliet’s request unreasonable or should it have
been expected of Romeo. Should Romeo have left his
father’s home, his demands to stay away from Juliet,
even his name to cling to Juliet? In our culture is
expected and practiced that the woman leaves her
mother and father in order to “cling to” her husband. In
European cultures (you know tha [