Sterling Silver Club Summer 2023 | Page 6

11 Tips Caregivers Need to Know

Becoming a caregiver or playing a more active role in another ’ s healthcare is a big responsibility . At some point , almost all adults will support an aging parent or a loved one in need . Keeping track of their needs and wellbeing , while also prioritizing your own can become overwhelming . It ’ s important to know : you are not alone , and help is available .
Read on for 11 tips to help you manage your time , your own well-being and your loved one ’ s care .
1 . Self-care comes first . When your main priority is the person in your life who needs care , it ’ s easy for your own needs to take the backseat . Give yourself time each day to focus on your personal wellbeing . It ’ s hard to give a loved one the care they need if your own needs are not met .
2 . Prioritize the Activities of Daily Living ( ADL ). Make a note of what ADLs your loved one can do alone , what they need help with and what activities require the most help . This will help you work through the day with them , as well as plan out how the day ’ s activities will go .
3 . Do a home safety audit . Do showers , bathtubs and steps have safety grab bars ? Look around the house for additional tripping hazards , like rugs or electrical cords . If your loved one struggles with dayto-day navigation of the home , consider scheduling an occupational therapy appointment . This type of therapy helps a person develop or maintain the motions required to accomplish daily tasks . You might also qualify for a referral to in-home healthcare , such as Home Care .
4 . Have the hard conversation . The best time to discuss views about end of life care and to learn what choices are available is before a life-limiting illness or crisis occurs . With advance care planning , you can help reduce the doubt and anxiety related to decision making at the end of life . Completing an Advanced Directive is a great tool to sort out all these decisions before they ’ re needed . Attend a free workshop to learn more and complete this important document .