Steps to Improve E-commerce Selling Benefits of Multi-Channel Selling | Page 2

• Each and every online selling platforms has unique type of visitors, who're in need of various products with a quality and worthy enough to buy. • With multiple shopping options, customers have an increased number of engagement and purchase points. Consider, for example, a customer who tries on a sweater in-store but then orders it online in a different color • By selling in different Marketplaces and E-commerce platforms you shed light over your product for the customers who're in need of it. Increase in your Revenue Growth - • Multichannel selling protects merchants against relying on just one sales method. In case of an event, an online merchant account is suspended or an offline store loses momentum, merchants who diversify their channels may incur less of a revenue hit. • Multichannel Selling is another cost effective strategy to reduce marketing expense and to increase the revenue growth. • To increase the revenue growth, the visibility of your product should be seen by large number of visitors which definitely costs more. • As a cost effective strategy, you can add your product to the other marketplaces like Ebay, Amazon, Rakuten, Etsy etc. which already has a large number of visitors.