Netgear Router Error 651 certainly ranks as one of the more
common issues of the Netgear Router Error Codes. Many numbers of
users come across this type of error when they try to establish an
internet connection using PPPoE connections. It’s really important
to Netgear Router Error code 651 before anything wrong happens
with your Netgear Router.
So, if you are facing Netgear Router Error 651, The modem has
reported an error and usually the message will be titled as
Connection failed with Router error 651. Then understanding the
reasons for the Netgear Error Code 651 is required for you. And what
steps you should take to resolve the issue can have you back on track
or accessing the Internet connection service with your newly Netgear
Router is crucial for you. This error occurs due to various reasons
such as when the Raspppoe.sys file has be saved in the wrong
location, Registry errors, IP address conflict, and so on.