Actions A total of 14 corrective actions have been identified by the pilot ladder incident investigation which, when fully implemented, are considered to be suitable and sufficient to address all of the investigation findings helping prevent any future similar pilot ladder incidents. In addition, a ‘Pilot Ladder Questionnaire’ has been developed and this has been completed by all vessels. This questionnaire (copy attached) shall be completed for all vessels and shall be forwarded to the relevant Fleet Managers and Vessel Managers. The purpose of the questionnaire is to obtain feedback and thereafter ensure that certain immediate actions are implemented on each vessel, namely:1. Any sharp edges with the potential to affect pilot ladders to be removed 2. A new and unused spare pilot ladder to be provided 3. Gratings to be installed to raise pilot ladders from deck (if not stored in a dry and clean environment) 4. Weather proof covers to be provided for pilot ladders (if not stored in a dry and clean environment) 5. Regular inspections of pilot ladders to be carried out by a competent person on board 6. Inspections of pilot ladders to be recorded in the TM Master planned maintenance system 7. Bi-annual inspection of pilot ladders to be carried out by an independent competent person during LOLER inspections 8. 'Certificates of Conformity' and 'Inspection Certificates' for pilot ladders to be maintained in a file on board 9. A responsible deck officer to supervise pilot boarding 10. The requirements contained within the IMPA 'Required Boarding Arrangements for Pilots' poster to be re-emphasised to all relevant shipboard personnel In addition, it has been noted that other ropes in use on board could potentially be exposed to wear and deterioration by the same means as those which affected ????????????????????Q??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????((??((