GLOBAL SHARING MONTHLY NEWSLETTER – NOV. 2013 – DARE TO DARE MOTORMAN STOPS A 2ND ENGR WORKING WITHOUT PPE OCCURRENCE - Company was informed of an occurrence onboard one of our vessel whereby a Motorman who was working with the 2nd Engineer, utilized his stop work authority and stopped 2nd Engineer from working in an unsafe manner on ships grinder in Engine room work shop. The 2/E accepted his advice and he himself informed Master of the occurrence. The photograph attached is an enactment of the actual occurrence and was sent to us for circulation to all seafarers. LESSON LEARNT - A Safety Conscious work team is a clear winner. MESSAGE TO INDUSTRY - The industry will have to collectively move forward and embrace behavior based safety programs which has a major impact on HSE performance. USE OF MOBILE PHONE ON BRIDGE STOPPED BY MASTER THE INCIDENT - During berthing maneuver, Harbor Pilot was asked by Master to refrain from entertaining so many mobile phone calls during berthing. LESSON LEARNT - Use of mobile phones shall be strictly forbidden on bridge and especially during navigation of the vessel. Master shall not hesitate to interfere with Pilots actions where same may compromise vessel's navigational safety. PILOT IN-A-RUSH STOPPED BY A DARE-TO-DARE MASTER THE INCIDENT - During departure outward passage, harbor Pilot asked Master if he can disembark earlier than as usual, but master refused to grant his request. Pilot intended to increase speed of vessel to full speed ahead in congested water to save his time but Master refused same for safety of vessel, as vessel was still inside the port. Vessel was safely maneuvered and pilot was disembarked at the designated pilot station area. LESSON LEARNT - Pilot disembarkation point shall be discussed during Master-Pilot exchange while the vessel is at berth. Where Pilot intends to disembark prior to the designated Pilot boarding ground, Master shall assess the risk and circumstances. Pilot shall be disembarked at designated Pilot boarding ground. MESSAGE TO INDUSTRY - A lot of navigational accidents have occurred where the Pilot has disembarked prior to the Pilot boarding ground. Industry shall formulate common guidelines for Pilot association across the world especially addressing Pilots conduct for boarding and disembarking at designated Pilot station. 4 November 2013 A Shell Marine Contractors Safety Initiative Page |2