Stella McCartney chooses to promote the brand through her personal social media, this means customer are unable to get a professional service; for example customers are unable to speak to an advisor about a product or service. Stella McCartney should create a separate account for customers to be more involved in the brand. Furthermore, Stella McCartney lacks in providing technological uses into the advertising concept; a way to overcome this is by producing CGI models, which generate every possible model look for ad campaigns. However another example of this is using a virtual reality generated Instagram blogger who advertise luxury clothing, as said in the SWOT analysis, a blogger called Miquela has been invented to do this. Stella McCartney could collaborate with this blogger to gain more luxury customers. Consequently Stella McCartney is not keeping up with the trends that competitors are adapting to.
Never the less, Stella McCartney relies on sustainability as the brands unique selling point, which is becoming difficult in recent years to showcase uniqueness because other brands are also adapting to sustainable changes and it is being reinforced as a fashion law. An example of a strong USP is by using the heritage the brand was founded in, for example D&G use their heritage to express themselves, it also makes the customer feel content with their country. Stella McCartney should incorporate religions, beliefs and heritage from the United Kingdom.
To conclude, Stella McCartney should keep her heritage of her family as a stepping-stone. This will help the revenue increase, since the brand split with Kering, as stated in current performance analysis, it has been slowing down with new techniques of sustainability as well as associating itself collaborating with other brands, Stella McCartney should encourage higher luxurious brands to collaborate with.