Steel Plus Network Connections Issue 5 | Page 8

with 1 atom at each angle connected to each other with 20 tubes , the whole supported by 3 large bi-pod braces .” That is how the Atomium got its unique shape . 1 Why choose this as the first place to gather together after three years ? Because of the connection concept and simply how incredible atoms are .
“ Atoms are very special : they like certain particular partners , certain particular directions , and so on .” Richard P . Feynman , Theoretical Physicist
It may all sound silly , but each and every location , venue , event , meeting , dinner , or cocktail hour allows people to talk and to discover what is happening in someone else ’ s world , and they may even meet someone new . It is with this in mind that I make the choices I do when it comes to bringing people together . The Atomium was symbolic , for sure , and our welcome dinner at Autoworld was a place to dress up , enjoy the hundreds of cars and trucks on display , network , and connect . I even had one guest approach me and say , “ When I die , just put me in one of these . I ’ ll be happy . This is an amazing place .” Happiness breeds connection . Check mark on this event .
“ Networking is not about just connecting people . It ’ s about connecting people with people , people with ideas , and people with opportunities .” - Michele Jennae , Alchemist of imagery and words
From Brussels , we moved on to the gala portion of our event and headed to Castle Leslie in Monaghan , Ireland . Words cannot describe the incredible two days that we spent there , and I know that many have checked off items from their bucket list : stay in a castle — check ; have a falcon sit on their arm — check ; shoot clay pigeons on a castle estate — check . From the moment our bus pulled up to the castle grounds and applause sounded upon our approach to Castle Leslie ’ s front door , I knew this was going to be something that would be one for the record books and perhaps something that I will not be able to replicate . However , this is Ireland , and I know there will be amazing venues and events to host our members and suppliers wherever we choose to go next .
Our gala dinner was spectacular . The food , drinks , music , old friends and new , all sparkled like the candles and crystal on our tables . We shared a moment to remember a dear friend who passed , and we felt the raw emotion of his son and daughter as they spoke about the love that he had for them and his community . We celebrated new faces , attending this annual event for the first time , and we celebrated those who never missed one . We had children who beamed and lit up the room . We had our very own Nonna who we have collectively adopted as our own grandmother . We announced a new program supporting children ’ s nutrition programs , and I was brought to tears by the generosity of those in the room with their contributions in the tens of thousands to kick off the “ Kids of Steel ” endowment fund . We felt magic in the air . The magic of connection .
I recently conducted a poll with our members asking them what they believe to be the major “ value ” in our strategic mission . Not surprisingly , 78 % of respondents said networking brought the most value out of their membership with Steel Plus Network . You can do all the research you want on finding value in being part of a group , and you will find any number of reasons , but for me and my being part of this unique organization focused on structural steel fabricators and their suppliers , the value is in the priceless connections we are forging between friends , colleagues , and even competitors , all in the effort to be better at what we do and help others along the way .
Remember :
“ Things don ’ t have to change the world to be important .” – Steve Jobs
I am not here to change the world ; I am here to bring people together ; to connect them . And that is magical . +
• The Atomium ’ s Shape . https :// atomium . be / the _ shape _ of _ the _ atomium .