Steel Plus Network Connections Issue 5 | Page 5



have been fortunate over the past seven years to have been surrounded by those who inspire me and who have also given me the freedom to be as creative as possible with this organization . Who inspires me ? My team . My girls Judith and Jenny have been incredibly supportive of all the initiatives I launch , and they are the true heroines of this smooth-running machine . Who has given me the freedom ? Our Board and the membership . They have allowed me to streamline operations , create new strategies , or even dive into new investment opportunities .
Why am I starting this welcome letter in this way ? Because it will be our last issue , and I wanted to thank those who allowed me to pursue this fantastic marketing and branding opportunity to see where it would take us . This issue features my own story of the magic of connection and how , through the amazing events we host for our members and suppliers , they are brought together to seize new opportunities , and perhaps meet people they have never met before who can bring new ideas to the table . I also announce our new endowment fund program , Kids of Steel , which is an idea that I had many years ago and , with grateful support from the Board , was able to officially launch this year .
In addition to these stories , our team , Judith and Jenny , have both written articles that will help you create an extraordinary event and remind you just how important in-person events are . I know you will learn quite a bit from these girls ! This final issue also features articles on business strategy , professional development , packing for business trips , ChatGPT , and more . We are also proud to have an interview with Kubes Steel , who is celebrating their 50th anniversary this year . We are so pleased to promote our members in this way because without them , we simply wouldn ’ t be here .
Finally , this is not goodbye , only a farewell . The girls and I love writing , and we love sharing stories about our experiences and the experiences of our membership . To that end , we will continue to share on our own blog and through our social media channels , and we hope that you will continue to read our stories and share your stories with us so we can celebrate right along with you ! Onwards and upwards , my friends ! Take care of yourselves and remember , love is the most important thing of all . +
Colleen Doucette , B . A . President Steel Plus Network / Réseau Acier Plus