Steel Plus Network Connections Issue 5 | Page 13

in school . Children also score better on tests if they have had a healthy breakfast beforehand .” – Together Counts was founded by Daniel Germain . Daniel founded Le Club des petits déjeuners after participating in an inspiring humanitarian mission overseas . From there , he felt compelled to help children within his own community . 1 The BCC is loaded with information regarding the state of school nutrition programs across the country , including :*
1 . 3,575 – The number of school nutrition programs in Canada .
2 . 583,329 children are reached each day through these programs .
3 . 390 – The number of Indigenous school nutrition programs in Canada .
4 . 47,690 Indigenous children are reached each day through these programs .
* Based on data for the 2021 – 2022 school year .
What is very important to know is that Canada is planning its first national school food policy . Although it was part of the 2022 federal budget , it is not quite clear at this time when exactly it will begin , what it will include , or how much money will go into it . 2 But it is a start . School food programming falls under provincial and territorial jurisdiction , except for First Nations children on reserve . Each province and territory has programs designed specifically to advocate and raise money for kids to start their days off with a good , healthy breakfast , and to have quality lunches to keep them on their game each and every day .
“ Children who eat a well-balanced breakfast show improved academic performance , demonstrate a longer attention span , have better attendance and experience decreased hyperactivity
Of course , Canada already has a food guide which recommends half a plate of fruits and vegetables , a quarter plate of proteins , and a quarter of whole grain foods with a glass of water , but what is great about organizations such as the BCC or The Coalition for Healthy School Food is that they bring awareness to the government that one size does not fit all . There are religious and cultural issues to consider with respect to nutrition , and these organizations ensure that every child is taken care of .
I am passionate about ensuring kids have a good start in life and healthy meals to eat each day .
Which leads me to an incredible story of support from our amazing members and suppliers . My goal at our annual gala dinner — which took place at Castle Leslie in Monaghan , Ireland — was simply to announce the launch of the program , of which I was super-excited . But that was it . I just wanted to let the everyone know that their company will help promote this incredible initiative and that I hoped they would be just as proud of it as I am . After the announcement , and the applause , I went back to my seat . Two members approached me and said they were so happy about this program , they each pledged $ 10,000 to kick it off ! Tears were flowing as I went back to the podium to announce this , and soon , hands were flying , pledging $ 5,000 here and $ 5,000 there , for a grand total of $ 67,500 CAD !
All I can say is , thank you , and let ’ s get some food in kids ’ bellies to make them as strong as steel ! Contribute today by scanning the QR code below ! +
A national endowment fund geared to raising money for school nutrition programs .
To learn more , and to contribute , please visit https :// steelplus . com / kids-of-steel /.
We are also VERY pleased to announce that , upon initial presentation of this endowment fund to the attendees at the SPN Gala Dinner at Castle Leslie in Monaghan , Ireland , our members and suppliers jumped at the chance to give this program a running start . Thanks to the following for their generous contributions :
Pittsburgh Steel - $ 10,000 Breton Steel - $ 10,000 Triangle Steel - $ 10,000 Boulons Plus - $ 5,000 Quirion Metal - $ 5,000 Beauce Atlas - $ 5,000 Altitube Steel - $ 5,000 Acier Robel - $ 5,000 Acier Trimax - $ 5,000 Groupe LD - $ 5,000 Victoria Steel - $ 5,000 Combilift - $ 5,000 USD
• Breakfast Club of Canada ( https :// www . breakfastclubcanada . org / our-story /)
• Global News ( https :// globalnews . ca / news / 9470216 / canada-school-food-policy-plan /)