Steel Plus Network Connections Issue 3 | Page 31

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“ First , this gives experience of being on a board . This board is very well structured and is following all governance laws . This can be very helpful in the future if we sit on board of other organization or business .
Sometimes , when we are part of a group and we aren ’ t very involved , we have a tendency to criticize and we may even lose track of the ultimate mission and vision of the group . But being part of the board keeps me on the edge and gives me the opportunity to make decisions and steer the group in the direction I want it to take .
Also , working side by side with other leaders of the industries also develops our own leadership in our business . This board gives me the opportunity to work and network with leaders across North America . We can learn cultures , understand their reality , and find new ideas to bring into our businesses .”
Jacques Labbé , Board of Managers , Acier Trimax

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