The Benefits Of
rowing your network isn ’ t as easy as it sounds nor is it simply a way to meet new people in a professional setting . It isn ’ t about “ networking ” or other buzzwords . It ’ s more about finding the right people who can connect with you and help you grow professionally . Every industry can benefit from this type of growth , but the steel industry is one which has seen enormous benefit from it .
That ’ s where Steel Plus Network ( SPN ) comes in : providing venues for networking so that people can come together and connect with the right people at the right time to talk about current issues , problem solve , raise questions , and anything else that may help them in their professional lives . What makes Steel Plus Network so strong is its ability to bring these people together effectively and form strong bonds that last .
Working in distinct regions in Canada and the United States , groups of members get together regularly to share industry information , goals , and performance metrics . They use that time to discuss best practices and to share work expertise among one another that members can then take back and apply to their individual companies . Each year , members of SPN meet for the Annual General Meeting ( AGM ). That meeting acts like a summary for the year , reviewing those same best practices , growing networks , and featuring guest speakers and presentations . These meetings help to build on common goals and discuss ways to overcome common challenges .
By giving members the opportunity to meet top-tier supply executives and build strong relationships with them , the term “ strength in numbers ” really shines . SPN has integrated itself into industry-inside conventions and organizations to help facilitate growth among members . Owner Members on the team gain long-term advantages due to their affiliation with SPN , which is measured not just in the monetary terms of discounts and rebates over time but also from working with like-minded people to strengthen the industry as a whole .
As part of the SPN group , when it comes time to see to the succession of your business ( or sell it ), you gain access to an eligible pool of buyers who know both you and your business . SPN itself becomes a resource that can help assist you with this transition . Many members have already gone through the process or helped others enough to become very familiar with it .
SPN adds value to businesses by putting the strength behind its organization behind each individual member and adding value that can help businesses secure their longevity . For more information about SPN and how they can help you and your business , visit them online at SteelPlus . com +