Steel Plus Network Connections Issue 1 - Summer 2021 | Page 8

can the members find opportunity ?’ The answer is in marketing , branding , and promoting them — as a whole .”
Steel Plus Network is a collective . The connectivity of the members makes the network powerful . Colleen has made it a top priority to bring people strategically together , at a time in history when COVID-19 has created separation and limitation .
“ We ’ ve recently begun a series of online panel discussions with industry experts talking about what ’ s happened , what ’ s happening , and what they see is going to happen . The experts ’ opinions reassure members : ‘ Things are going to be okay .’ I ’ m not the expert in steel . I ’ m the person who is the conduit to bring those people together and get the messages out there .”
Colleen ’ s first panel discussion , held during spring 2021 , was a success . There were 27 participants from across North America . “ We had a major US supplier and an expert from the Ontario region provide their expertise . The latter focused on the month of October and how things are going to dynamically change in steel in fall 2021 . What I ’ m going to be working on next , for the forum , is the Quebec market . Then we will expand to talk about coatings , paints , gases , anchor bolts , safety gear , or consumables . Those are important to the membership . We will revisit certain topics every six months to see any changes within the industry .”
Colleen does not fear change . She knows that to be successful , Steel Plus Network and its members must evolve and embrace transition . Take , as an example , the fact Colleen never cooks the same thing twice for her family , an extremely rare occurrence in most households . Innovation and creativity are second nature to her .
“ The members and I have to grow together . Things have changed , things have evolved . Members tell me they ’ re pleased with the high level of engagement they ’ re getting . We ’ ve been able to increase the engagement of the membership , and that ’ s a good news story .”
Colleen ’ s empathy , which took root in Bathurst , combined with her active listening skills , have resulted in greater connectivity throughout Steel Plus Network .
“ That ’ s one of the things I place a high priority on : listening and reacting , but also being proactive . One of the areas that we ’ ve been also focusing on is statistics and data ; making sure we collect engagement data , rebate data , and networking data . This allows us to look at the past to predict the future . That ’ s engaging from a broader community standpoint . Members like to see how far they ’ ve come .”
The Julia Child-wannabee-turned-president has certainly come far since her early days baking cupcakes with her mother , Leah . They ’ re still her favourite dessert to make , and those childhood days are among her most beloved memories .
Some things and moments are worth savouring — in family and in business .
Colleen ’ s journey and growth are far from over . She never plans to retire . She wants to cast her lifelong learning net strategically even wider . “ Professionally , for me , what I want is more global thinking . I want to understand the way the industry , or a specific industry , works — globally . That is my ultimate goal : to understand the globalization of economies , how we are closer to being one instead of being separate .”
How we are closer to being one .
Unification as an ultimate goal ; becoming stronger together — at a time when forces are keeping people apart . Another reason why Colleen Doucette ’ s vision is a recipe for success . +
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