Steel Notes Magazine Steel Notes Magazine - Winter 2017/18 | Page 27

Steel Notes Magazine Weapons of Anew “The collision of love and hate” New release from the band from New Jersey is stellar! CD Review by Josie Janci, Steel Notes Magazine and Steel Waves Radio Remember when you first heard Limp Biscuit or Linkin Park and how they combined music styles of metal and hip hop? Remem- ber thinking “wow, that works!” Well that’s how I felt when I first heard Weapons of Anew. (correlation simply for the sake of example not similarity) Their music has a style that is beautifully rich while still remaining true to the basics of heavy metal music. It’s loud, it’s fast, it has tough lyrics and a bluesy undertone…but they are playing heavy metal music with sophisticated hooks and melodies that catch you pleasantly off guard and demand that you pay attention! And DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE ENERGY…. Their upcoming release, The Collision of Love and Hate is a freshman masterpiece. The surprising melodies caught my atten- tion first but it was the “texture” of the music that impressed me most. The killer guitar riffs, coupled with the low end bass lines and the constant beat and crash of the drums are; by design, responsible for the thick quality of the music in every song. Vo- calist, Ray West, has a wide vocal range, a pleasingly distinctive tone and a clarity to his vox that is superb. The 5 song release has harmonies, hooks and energy galore. I’d be hard pressed to name my favorite – but I don’t really need to choose just one…and neither do you. On Sept. 15th you can hear the entire album and on Sept. 19th you can go to Reading to see them open for Tesla! Check out their website for more info – (Continued Next Page) Steel Notes Magazine 27