Steel Notes Magazine September 2016 | Page 20
Steel Notes Magazine
July & August 2016
You May Be A Lover But
You Ain’t No Dancer
Charlie Manson
By © Guido Colacci 2016
I have to confess that this has been one of the most difficult articles I have ever written. There is so much information, connections and facts that are hidden and have to be searched out and then
putting them into context and trying to make a timeline of it all and showing the pattern
is a daunting task for even the most talented of writers. I have done the very best I could. You would think that
the state and the government could easily pull off such a hoax today given special effects, the internet, and other
advances in social media. Unfortunately, this occurred 47 years ago and has stood for 43 years, without barely
any truthers.
Let’s begin by looking at the history and politics that led up to it. The alleged
Tate/Labianca murders took place in August 1969. Those living through the
events of 1969 didn’t have any hindsight on the politics, but today looking
back from the year 2016 we CERTAINLY do.
As I always say, rule number one, is to never take an
event as an isolated incident, but rather to look for
the pattern in events to see
how they are all connected.
Sadly and unfortunately,
people back in 1969 still
had not learned this basic concept and the term “conspiracy
theorist” was only coined perhaps 3 years earlier by the CIA
& FBI and applied to people who disagreed with the Warren
Commission findings on the JFK assassination or as we know
it today, the coup d’état of November 1963.
Nixon took office in January of 1969, Richard M. Helms was
the Director of the CIA and J. Edgar Hoover was head of the
FBI. Both Nixon, Helms and Hoover hated the hippies with a
passion and wished to destroy them. They saw them as a real
danger in affecting public opinion, discourse and how people
would live and protest. Today, this information is part of the
public record, we know it from many declassified documents
and subsequent events. The hatred of the hippies stemmed
from many reasons but mainly two major issues threatened
the status quo and very foundations of capitalism. One was
Steel Notes Magazine
NOTE: Guido Colacci contributed to this article in a personal
capacity. The views expressed do not necessarily represent the views
of Steel Notes Magazine or it’s other contributors, staff or writers.
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