Steel Construction Vol 40 no 6 - International Steel Structures | Page 33

SAISC NEWS DURBAN, MOUNT EDGECOMBE COUNTRY CLUB ABOVE: Best Dressed spot prize winner at the KZN Steel Awards. BELOW: Richard Stretton of Koop Design, receiving a framed copy of the winning photograph of House Blue Crane. ABOVE LEFT AND RIGHT: The project team from the Mr Price Warehouse Project, winners of the Safintra Factory and Warehouse category. ABOVE LEFT: Regional top students get ready to take the stage. ABOVE RIGHT: Greg Parrott (left) and Neels van Niekerk (right) with KZN regional top students. LEFT: Roger Jardine, winner of the Cadex SA regional photo competition. RIGHT: Spot prize winner at the KZN Steel Awards. RIGHT: The Team from Midax House, Zinkwazi Beach, receiving a special commendation for the Residential Architectural category. FAR RIGHT: The Team from Dabmar Manufacturing, receiving a special commendation for the Safintra Factory and Warehouse Category. LEFT: Always a pleasure to see a fresh, crisp Steel Awards edition of the Journal. RIGHT: MC Aaron McIlroy infused the evening with a sense of mischief and great fun. The Durban Steel Awards guests were dressed to the nines! ABOVE: The 60s were certainly a time of elaborate dishes. BELOW: Sponsorship recognition. Steel Construction Vol. 40 No. 6 2016 31