Steel Construction Vol 40 No 4 - Metal Cladding and Light Steel Frame | Page 13
High praise for SAMCRA
By Alan Browde
standard setting
The Southern African Metal Cladding and Roofing Association (SAMCRA) has received high praise for the way it is
helping to set industry standards in the metal cladding and roofing industry in the SADC region. This is
according to Sally Stromnes, Marketing Planner and Co-ordinator for the Safal Group in Africa.
“SAMCRA – and specifically its director
Dennis White – is closely involved in the
writing of improved building standards
and providing significant guidance on
best practise installation methodologies
to the metal roofing and cladding industry
throughout the region,” Stromnes says.“In
order to have a world-class metal cladding
and roofing industry it is essential that
construction standards and materials are
not only appropriate to Southern African
conditions, but that they are also commonly
understood and adhered to. In this regard
Dennis, with his decades of experience
in the field, is doing a sterling job to raise
awareness and knowledge levels in the
SAMCRA – and specifically its director Dennis White –
is closely involved in the writing of improved building
standards and providing significant guidance on best
practise installation methodologies to the metal roofing
She adds that correct and appropriate
specifications are at the foundation of a
successful installation.“Plain ignorance or a
lack of compliance can lead to installation
failures which have a hugely negative
impact on the reputation of the roofing
industry throughout the region. Although
we still have a long way to go, there is no
doubt that Dennis and his SAMCRA team
are making a palpable difference to the
situation,” Stromnes says.
Stromnes emphasises that the two most
critical areas where standards have to be
effective, is in the installation detailing, and
in tight materials specification.
“Installation detailing and fastidious
attention to on-site standards are areas
where measures to save time or money
will backfire very quickly. Flashings that
restrict or can’t cope with roof drainage,
compromises on material thickness, swarf
and debris collection on the roof during
installation, and poor sheet alignment
and cladding industry throughout the region
Steel Construction Vol. 40 No. 4 2016 11