Steel Construction Vol 40 No 2 - Tubular Steel Feature | Page 32
Post construction installations
on roofs and service access
On occasions when we have been invited
support systems that utilize concrete
to inspect a roof over a shopping centre
blocks as ballast which can considerably
we are stunned by the amount of post
increase the loading to the cladding and
construction activity the roof is subjected
supporting steelwork. Fire vents are
to. This can vary from the inappropriate
frequently attached to and supported by
installation of aerials, ventilators, extractor
the cladding in a manner that impedes
ducts, air conditioning units and more
recently alternative energy systems.
Damage from regular foot traffic is another
cause for concern.
by Dennis White, Director, SAMCRA
The vast majority of roof structures are
designed as inaccessible with imposed
the thermal movement of the cladding. In
addition to the increased risk of crevice
corrosion at the interface of the supports
with the cladding plus the accumulation
of debris around the supports there is
an increased risk of flooding of the pans
loading based on access for the installation
during heavy rain. Inadequately designed
of the cladding and thereafter maintenance
back-flashing to fire vents (which are over
of the cladding system and gutters only.
a metre wide) contribute to the flooding of
adjacent pans. The placement of conduits
Occupancy within shopping centres is
and pipes in pans pose similar problems.
transient which gives rise t o changing
Such obstructions can also cause the
demands for services such as extractor
accumulation of hail, resulting in flooding.
fans and ducts for restaurants, fire vents
Whilst cable trays laid transversely across
and auxiliary air conditioning units.
the cladding ribs near gutters may prevent/
Most extractor fans require a 600mm
reduce the flow of hail into unguarded
square opening in the cladding which is
gutters the accumulated hail behind
positioned randomly between purlins,
the tray can exceed the design loading.
often without any additional supporting
steelwork, the fan and duct are supported
by the cladding. Regularly the painted
steel supports with small base plates are
placed directly in the pan of the cladding,
invariably between purlins. Occasionally
raw wooden blocks are used as bearers.
The loading from foot traffic during
the installation of these items if often
much higher than that associated with
maintenance of the cladding.
Sections of these roofs are subjected
The support frames for solar heaters
to regular high levels of foot traffic for
pose an even greater risk as the loading
maintenance of non-cladding items
is much greater. Some PV panels have
resulting in considerable damage to
the cladding and flashings. Areas most
susceptible to damage are the points of
access onto the roof, jumping from one
level to another, eaves and areas behind
parapets which are used as hoisting points
together with access for cleaning windows,
etc. These areas need to be protected with
suitable designed ladders, platforms and
In all cases the protective coating/s to the
cladding system suffers irreparable damage
thereby greatly reducing its durable
working life.
30 Steel Construction Vol. 40 No. 2 2016