STEAMed Magazine October 2016 | Página 9

I filled the containers with varied land and sea treasures such as rocks, feathers, acorns, seed pods, passed away insects, abandoned bird and insect homes, tree adornments, shells and more. I made sure to follow the fairy house building rule of only using materials that I found on the ground, no longer part of a living thing. I searched through my book shelf and image collection for books/field guides/charts/paintings/drawings and diagrams to connect the lab to student learning. I borrowed some plastic magnifying glasses and used my mini self-portrait mirrors to add to the visual irresistibility of this glorified science-based center. The response was beyond expected interest to distractible enthusiasm! And all on a shoestring budget and small time investment. To stock the makerspace I began with secondhand pattern blocks, Legos, found materials, hand-me-down building materials from my own children, recyclables, scraps and various adhesives. I wrote a project after watching several of my colleag ues receive wish list items. My project coincided with the EducationCloset call for proposals, and while my Dad (of course) started my fund, EdCloset completed it! I received new, beautiful blocks and visuals which I immediately put to use. Techlab began with my classroom hodgepodge of used technology: 1 desktop, my old laptop and a borrowed i-pad. I rounded out the year with a whiteboard projector, document camera and shared use of our 3D printer (donor’schoose funded!) Next year I have my sights set on a few choice additions to my STEAMlab and will budget accordingly, create another donor’schoose project and keep my eyes peeled for grants. Inspire! Look at your school structure-quarters/trimesters/semesters/weekly/rotating classes to plan the format that most impacts student learning. Seeing students all year long, though only once a week, gave me the opportunity to offer experiences in 3 areas. I decided to scaffold learning based on each successive module. Beginning with an easily relatable topic, nature, helped ensure success of this pursuit. Choose what most interests your students and fuel their connections and investment. STEAMed Magazine 9 October 2016 Edition