About half way through the year, students started showing me pigs that they were creating. They
would explain the process they did to create their pig. This huge idea of process was something that
all students, kindergarten through fifth grade truly understood by the end of the year. They knew the
definition and the meaning behind process by covering it for a very short time in class everyday they
had art. I feel this concept of process will be everlasting for my students.
To see some of the processes that I presented to my students, please check out my blog,
MiniMatisse.blogspot.com under the tab Process. You can also find Pigs on Twitter searching
#ProcessPigs or on my Instagram (MiniMatisseArt) post from last summer.
Nic Hahn is an Art Educator at Hassan Elementary in Rogers Minnesota. She is the author
of the blog MiniMatisse.blogspot.com where she shares the happenings of her
classroom. She is passionate about teaching creativity, collaboration, and problemsolving in her classroom and often uses the concepts of STEAM to achieve those goals.
Nic is active on social media as well growing her #PLN on Twitter
(@MiniMatisse), Facebook, and Instagram (MiniMatisseArt) allowing her to learn from
some of the most amazing educators in the world.
STEAMed Magazine
July 2016 Edition