STEAMed Magazine April 2016 | Page 17

Meet the artist Andy Warhol (1928-1987), an artist, painter, sculptor, photographer, and filmmaker, was born Andrew Warhola in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Slovakian immigrants (figure 1). Do you wonder where Warhol’s talent comes from? At the age of eight, Warhol contracted a rare disease that rendered him bedridden for several months. During this time, his mother, who was a talented embroiderer and artist, taught him how to draw. He also read celebrity magazines and comic books, which later shaped his art. After graduating from Carnegie Mellon University, where he studied art, Warhol became a successful magazine and ad illustrator. Warhol gained fame for his whimsical ink drawings for shoe advertisements (figure 2). In fact, Warhol was the sole illustrator for the shoe manufacturer, I. Miller, and created new drawings of shoes each week for ads in the New York Times. Do you wonder why he changed the spelling of his name? On one of his first jobs, his last name was misspelled as "Warhol" instead of "Warhola" in the credits. He liked the name so much, he decided to keep it. Figure 2 As a budding artist, Warhol wanted to do something new and different with his art. Wonder how he accomplished this? Warhol quickly gained fame for his vivid and garishcolored screenprints of world leaders, athletes, and famous celebrities (figure 3). He also colorfully captured popular culture in his work, using images of brands like Coca-Cola, Campbell’s Soup, and other consumer goods. His silk screening techniques allowed him to repeat the same basic image on dozens of canvases, resulting in numerous prints that looked the same, but in contrasting colors. It is not a surprise that his art studio was named, The Factory, as the name was a reference to the massproduced nature of his artworks. Warhol saw art as a product, the same as a production line of Coca-Cola bottles. Ultimately, Warhol became a leading Pop artist, as he, like other Pop artists, colorfully captured iconic images in his art. Figure 3 STEAMed Magazine 17 April 2016 Edition