House & Garden Nutrients are designed as a full fertiliser regime; with a potent
combination of organic and mineral nutrients. The Starter Kit provides everything you
need to achieve cup-winning results! H&G Starter Kit includes our unique A/B base
nutrient formulation (in Cocos, Hydro, Aqua Flakes or Soil) alongside the key stimulants
and additives to give you that ultimate floral boost!
Using the complete range of H&G Nutrients included in this Starter kit ensures your
plants can reach their genetic (phenotypic) potential, heavy fruits and beautiful flowers!
All required macro and trace elements are provided, alongside enzymes, amino acids,
vitamins, organic amendments and natural bio stimulants! Achieve maximum yields with
the purest quality using H&G Nutrients!
The House & Garden Starter kit is the most economical way to achieve cup-winning
quality! Incredible value for money allows you to try the full range, with huge savings on
every bottle! Boost your next harvest and save your back pocket; with H&G you use less
for more success!