STAYER ECO 450 Entire Course STAYER ECO 450 Week 7 Quiz 5 Ch 10 | Page 3

c . a flat-rate tax will be used . d . the tax system will not result in losses in efficiency in markets . 3 . The tax base of a payroll tax is : a . consumer expenditures . b . interest income . c . labor income . d . both ( b ) and ( c )
4 . A 5-percent retail sales tax on all consumer purchases in a state is imposed . The sales tax is :
a . a flat-rate tax . b . a tax with a regressive rate structure . c . levied on an income base . d . all of the above 5 . A tax on the value of real estate holdings is a : a . selective tax on wealth . b . general tax on wealth . c . general tax on income . d . selective tax on income . 6 . An excise tax is a : a . general consumption tax . b . selective consumption tax . c . general wealth tax . d . selective tax on wealth .