to this point .”
Burnside Island is the perfect location for a picnics and family get togethers . Picnic tables , grills , and a playground are available . Two picnic shelters ( one with rest rooms ) are available for rental .
Above all , Burnside Island is the perfect gateway to Lake Cumberland and some of the best fishing in the United States . Fish for crappie , largemouth bass , smallmouth bass and striped bass .
Adding the the park ’ s great amenities , General Burnside Island has a great staff to help make vacationing experience the best ever .
“ I ’ ve always enjoyed being outside and golfing as well ,” Blevins stated . “ I grew up on the farm and learned how to take care of grounds from a young age . The former park manager , Mike Flynn , did a great job as park manager and left me some big shoes to fill , but we hope we can just continue that success .”
“ We wouldn ’ t have the success without the staff ,” Blevins added . “ We have a great staff and they have been instrumental in us having the success that we have .”
A great group of people making a great local attraction even better . Our community is thankful to have General Burnside Island represent our area as a state park .
16 Stay & Play Lake Cumberland Region - Summer # 2 2022