STAY AHEAD IRELAND January 2019 | Page 10

What’s this all about? Haven’t you heard? How would you like to be able to communicate quickly and effectively with everyone in Securitas? Irrespective of roles, locations or the latest organisation chart? And without sending any emails? It sounds too good to be true, right? Well, guess what? Workplace is coming. Workplace is an easy-to-use collaboration platform we’ll all be using for work conversations. Not just in Securitas Ireland but in Securitas across the globe. It’s like Facebook, but for work. You can use Workplace to share news, discuss ideas, ask questions, provide updates and “chat” to colleagues across the business. Everything you write on Workplace is in a group. Although some groups will be common for everyone across the world [ALL] most of our groups will be for Securitas Ireland colleagues only [IRL]. Using Workplace will be a step change in the way we work.