Statutes of the International Movement of Catholic Students 2013 | Page 5

Statutes of the IMCS Pax Romana c) to further the Christian faith experience lived in one’s own commitment and to try to communicate this faith to the student milieu by bearing witness to Jesus Christ; d) to encourage pedagogies of action which help students integrate their Christian faith in their efforts to build a more just society. Article 4 - Form of Action With these objectives the IMCS will try: a) to facilitate the formation of Catholic Student movements and associations in countries in which they do not yet exist and to see that their continued growth goes hand in hand with that of the existing movements; b) to provide the students and chaplains of member movements and associations with possibilities for meeting and reflecting on joint problems, on the basis of the situation in their own continents, as well as on international problems; c) to propose guidelines for actions to be carried out in solidarity by the member movements and associations in accordance with the possibilities and reality of each national group; d) to organize, within the framework of its International Secretariat, an efficient communication service for the exchange of information in all areas concerning the student apostolate’s spheres of competence in the institutions of higher education; e) to represent, at the international level, the Catholic student movement in university and tertiary institutions and to cooperate with other international organizations. II. MEMBERS The IMCS is made up of three types of organizations: full members, ecumenical members and correspondent members. Full and ecumenical membership in IMCS is granted by the World Assembly, the highest decision making body of the movement. Full and ecumenical members must be ratified by a 2/3 majority of members present, taking into account the voting rights in the World Assembly. Article 5 - Full Members The Catholic student organizations in universities and institutions of higher education which fulfil the following conditions are eligible to be Full Members of IMCS: a) agree with articles 3 and 4; b) are not affiliated to any political party; c) are recognized by Church authorities; d) group together at the national level Catholic students or groups of Catholic students. i. in principle, only one Full Member movement per nation-state will be admitted; ii. a greater number of movements per nation-state can be admitted in the spirit to promote a diversity of experiences. This concerns above all nation-states in which there are very great cultural, linguistic, ethnic, political and/or pastoral differences; iii. all nation-states having more than two IMCS member movements should have, whenever possible, a coordination of these movements; 5