State of Caring | Page 14


Caring and work

1 in 9 people in the workforce are juggling care with paid work , yet many face a lack of understanding from colleagues and managers . 5 Working carers are looking for a mixture of support ; from understanding and flexibility at work to reliable , affordable care services that give them peace of mind that the person they support is being well cared for . Without this and the information and support to coordinate care , working carers are ending up stressed and anxious without access to the time they need for themselves as well as feeling isolated from their colleagues .
Many working carers find they go months or even years without a real break . Of full-time or part-time employees responding to our survey , 7 in 10 ( 70 %) have used their annual leave to care and almost half ( 48 %) have done overtime to make up hours spent caring .
Many carers leave work altogether when they feel they cannot cope any longer , and many more reduce their hours , turn down promotion or take lower paid , flexible work that can fit around their caring responsibilities . Half ( 49 %) of carers responding to our survey have given up work to care . Nearly a quarter ( 23 %) reduced their working hours while 17 % have had to take a less qualified job or turned down promotion to fit around caring .
The continuing opportunity costs for carers and their employers are stark .
Among those currently in paid work , 2 in 5 carers ( 39 %) have taken a less qualified job or turned down a promotion . Half ( 50 %) have reduced their hours to care suggesting that among those currently juggling work and care , many have already taken steps to reduce paid work and will have limited choices if their caring responsibilities increase .
7 in 10

70 %

of working carers have used their annual leave to care and almost half ( 48 %) have done overtime to make up hours spent caring .
I had to reduce my hours at work as there were no care facilities for my son .
I had to reduce my working hours because of my mum ’ s health and now only work 11 hours per week and I am not entitled to any financial help . I gave up a wonderful job that I loved with an excellent salary .
I would have liked to work but feel the choice has been taken away by my role at home .
I just cope with the stress and the guilt and work all hours I can to make up for it .
My caring role had an impact on my employers considering me for promotion – it was very frustrating , as I knew I was more than capable of a different role .
My career choices were limited because of my caring role . I gave up jobs I loved because they couldn ’ t fit round caring role .
Census 2011