State Emissary, November 2017. Issue 1 2017 Edition | Page 15
the crisis. Buhari could also have been more aggressive
in deploying troops. It is likely that preemptive
Nigerian diplomacy and pressure could have averted
the eventual ECOWAS occupation and hastened the
resolution of the crisis in the Gambia. Instead, Buhari
went on medical leave just before the crisis was
resolved. Worryingly, this poor leadership can only
get more difficult without the backing of the African
The Loss at the African Union
Undoubtedly, one of the stages that Nigeria flexes her
muscles is the African Union, one of the reasons being
that we are one of the highest contributors to the
body. In response, we have received something similar
to the sort of prominence accorded to the permanent
members of the United Nations Security Council.
The African Union is led by a Commission, including
Commissioners that handle specific portfolios.
Countries bid to have their nationals serve in these
positions. Nigeria, since the African Union was
formed in 2002, has always produced the
Commissioner for Political Affairs and it is considered
a plum job within the organisation. This year, Nigeria
did not return the incumbent commissioner or run for
that position. Instead, Nigeria ran for and duly lost the
position of Commissi