State-Advisor-Guide | Page 30

This contest will judge states based on neatness of their stalling area and cattle area as well as the creativity of the NJLSC theme . The purpose of this contest is to promote cooperation , teamwork , pride and enthusiasm among a state ’ s junior organization .
Decoration of stall cards , stall curtains , etc . is encouraged . Decorations beyond standard cattle equipment occupying stall or aisle space will be disqualified .
Exhibitors will be assigned stalls according to their current addresses on file at NALF . Failure to stall in assigned spaces during the entirety of NJLSC will result in elimination from the state herdsmanship contest .
After check-in , NALJA will assign the states to one of two categories ( large or small ) based on the number of cattle each state checks in . There will be an even number of states per category .

State Herdsmanship

This contest will judge states based on neatness of their stalling area and cattle area as well as the creativity of the NJLSC theme . The purpose of this contest is to promote cooperation , teamwork , pride and enthusiasm among a state ’ s junior organization .
Decoration of stall cards , stall curtains , etc . is encouraged . Decorations beyond standard cattle equipment occupying stall or aisle space will be disqualified .
Exhibitors will be assigned stalls according to their current addresses on file at NALF . Failure to stall in assigned spaces during the entirety of NJLSC will result in elimination from the state herdsmanship contest .


After check-in , NALJA will assign the states to one of two categories ( large or small ) based on the number of cattle each state checks in . There will be an even number of states per category .