State-Advisor-Guide_2023 | Page 18

At the conclusion of the National Junior Limousin Show and Congress ( NJLSC ), sweepstakes participants may request their scores and copies of their score sheets for each event in which they participated . Participants may request only their own scores . NALJA will not release other participants ’ scores .
NALJA will use the following criteria to break any ties within the top 10 sweepstakes finalists :
( a ) who participated in more satellite events ( b ) who exhibited more animals ( c ) who placed higher in their satellite events

Individual Sweepstakes Contest

At the conclusion of the National Junior Limousin Show and Congress ( NJLSC ), sweepstakes participants may request their scores and copies of their score sheets for each event in which they participated . Participants may request only their own scores . NALJA will not release other participants ’ scores .
NALJA will use the following criteria to break any ties within the top 10 sweepstakes finalists :
( a ) who participated in more satellite events ( b ) who exhibited more animals ( c ) who placed higher in their satellite events