State-Advisor-Guide_2023 | Page 16

NALJA members must compete in the same age division across all contests , except showmanship , where past champions must move up . Ages will be the individual ’ s age as of Jan . 1 of that year .
Members must enter all individual satellite events by May 15 . Late entry for satellite events ( Photo , Magazine Ad , Sales Talk , Public Speaking , Showmanship ) will be accepted until the end of NJLSC check in for a fee of $ 20 per exhibitor ( not per event ).
Members will not be able to late enter the judging contest , if members do not sign up for the judging contest by May 15 members will have the opportunity to judge in the adult division . Once check-in is complete members will not be able to enter the events .

Individual Sweepstakes Contest

Satellite Events

NALJA members must compete in the same age division across all contests , except showmanship , where past champions must move up . Ages will be the individual ’ s age as of Jan . 1 of that year .
Members must enter all individual satellite events by May 15 . Late entry for satellite events ( Photo , Magazine Ad , Sales Talk , Public Speaking , Showmanship ) will be accepted until the end of NJLSC check in for a fee of $ 20 per exhibitor ( not per event ).
Members will not be able to late enter the judging contest , if members do not sign up for the judging contest by May 15 members will have the opportunity to judge in the adult division . Once check-in is complete members will not be able to enter the events .