Nancy Alcorn offers young women
esteem and grow in wholeness-and
have self-
more. Mercy Ministries is
not afraid to deal with the tough, ugly stuff. If you are a young
woman struggling with these issues, or if you have a daughter
or work with girls, you want to hear what Nancy has to say. It
is sure to change your life!
Grammy Award-Winning Recording Artist
I have personally known young women who have found
healing through the principles in these books. This series is very
timely in an age where little hope is given for young women
struggling with these issues. Nancy Alcorn is not afraid to tell the
truth and offer real hope through forgiveness and restoration.
If you are desperate for hope or affected by a hopeless life, read
through this series and find real answers.
---Sue Semrau
Head Women's Basketball Coach, Florida State University