Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia is identified by a severely distorted perception
of one's physical appearance. This mind-set leads to actions,
including self-starvation and excessive exercise, rooted in an
intense fear of gaining weight. Some of the signs and symptoms
of anorexia look like this:
Physical: Continual weight loss, irregular periods, dizziness
andlor fainting spells, low body temperature (complaining of
being cold), pale complexion and dry skin, dry brittle hair or
hair that is falling out, growth of facial and fine body hair, easy
bruising, exhaustion and fatigue.
Emotional: Intense fear of weight gain, excessive need for
control, distorted body image, dramatic mood swings.
Behavioral: Wearing loose clothing, deception (hiding food
in napkins or clothes), abuse oflaxatives, diet pills, or diuretics,
obsession with caloric and fat content of food, compulsive
exercise, making excuses not to eat ("I already ate" or "I have an
upset stomach"), isolating or avoiding social events, consuming
a lot of non-caloric foods (such as diet soda, gum, or coffee),
avoiding restaurants and eating in front of others, ritualistic
behaviors at meals (such as eating food in a particular order
or cutting food into tiny pieces), discomfort with or avoiding
being touched, defensiveness when questioned about weight,
hyperactivity, and depression.
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia is identified by compulsive overeating leading to
self-induced vomiting. The abuse of laxatives and diuretics is
commonly used in an attempt to purge the body of food. Some
of the signs and symptoms of bulimia look like this: