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Mauro Pipani Antropocene

The world manifests a natural mystic which capsized. The ancient grammar which was once a refuge for the language of the stones, the trees, the animals, perhaps, no longer exists.

With Anthropocene Mauro Pipani was looking for a possible profile of the contemporary landscape by injecting a thin and disturbing ecological thinking.

With Anthropocene Mauro Pipani was looking for a possible profile of the contemporary landscape by injecting into his site-specific intervention at the Biennale del Disegno a thin and disturbing ecological thinking.

The world manifests a natural mystic which capsized. The ancient grammar which was once a refuge for the language of the stones, the trees, the animals, perhaps, no longer exists. The very nature from which we have learned to read the story of an endless writing, indecipherable in its joints is now made artificial. And the landscape that is at once the place of vision and memory has lost many of its trails, the same to which painters and poets had been able to obtain with the power of mimesis or the idealization light. Now we are and remain actors and spectators of new landscapes and different contemplations.

Shifting the emphasis from the specific nature of scientific language, Pipani lays his eyes on a new visual awareness in which the Anthropocene, that is, the geological era in which the terrestrial environment has long been affected by the devastating effects of human action, shapes not only the surface of the planet but of our perceptions, our empathy with the landscape.


Annamaria Bernucci