STAR : What are you working on now? And
what are your plans for the future?
ALKA.C : I usually work on my feelings, experiences
and memories. My current series is ‘WE’ – which in-
cludes the elements from my life after marriage and
bonding of the phase. It is a reflection of love, friend-
ship, motherhood/ conception of a baby and even
little mementos of this new twist in my life. As the
world of imagination and creativity is boundless, I
would like to merge boundaries of different mediums
and introduce installation more often along with my
paintings to support the theme. I want to engage the
emotions of the spectator, by inviting them to dwell
imaginatively by delimitation of any line between
them and art, so that they can reach out and identi-
fy with the objects surrounding them. . Like Vincent
Van Gogh said: “As practice makes perfect, I cannot
but make progress; each drawing one makes, each
study one paints, is a step forward.”
STAR : What mediums do you work in and
ALKA.C : I love working in mixed media – acrylics,
dry pastels, drawing inks, markers, collage etc. Var-
ied mediums trigger my imagination and coax me to
explore myriad possibilities in my expression. I some-
times install a related object along with my paintings
to create a visual dialogue between object, painting
and spectator.
STAR : What obstacles do you face in making
and exhibiting your work?
ALKA.C : The only obstacle in making my art is some-
times clogging of too many thoughts together. Practi-
cally, I enjoy exploring whatever medium comes my
way. All the mediums I use are easily available.
While exhibiting the art work, these days’ galleries
are becoming so expensive that one has to think twice
for exhibiting the work frequently. Sponsorship is also
difficult to avail. Market is slow so there is very rare
chance of one’s work getting sold.