STAR: Why are you so passionate about ART? STAR: What do you love about life, and what do you hate? ITMOY.T: Once I started painting professional- ITMOY.T: I love success in my life and hate ly, I was very glad, that my works got recognition quickly and admiration and I received good value. This way I could help my family and other peo- ple.And When others appreciate my works, I feel thankful to them for encouraging and appreciat- ing. It’s a great honor for me.Art gives me happi- ness and fills my days with great contentment. STAR: What advice would you give to someone starting out? ITMOY.T: Being true to what you want to do. Do not necessarily listen to those around you who offer you advice about what to paint. You will know in your heart that you are onto a good thing. Never give up. Unless you are going bankrupt trying to break into the market, Just keep doing what you do. Always be professional. Be known as a good artist, but it is just as important to be known as a reliable, efficient and pleasant artist too. STAR: What is the role of an artist in our society? ITMOY.T: There is no meaning, either in art or in society, without participation.A work of art cannot exist without the artist.A work of an artist is an expressing medium which allows sharing ideas, feelings, message to the society and it is also serving the purpose to increase the aesthetic beauty of the surroundings. Art is an invitation to become part of something that is larger than yourself.When we engage our viewers, it shows our connectivity to the world. 34 failure.But always we learn something from both. STAR: Can you throw some light on your subject.How it helped you reach the global market? ITMOY.T: As I felt that this would give me a stronger identity in what is a competitive glob- al market, I chose to paint the Banana tree as I had never seen anyone painting it my way.It is totally my idea and thought and I feel happy now I chose it. The philosophy of banana tree is unique and closely related to our life.I loved observing how the tree endures and grows. - Banana trees do not die before giving a fruit, it makes sure its presence in the world bene- fits life before it dies.The trees live in clusters giving us the message of unity.All the parts of a banana tree have some purpose and are of great medicinal value to the human. If we observe and we take the example or examples of the life of banana trees into our lives every day, it will form human thinkers, activists, and successful people. My works have received tremen- dous response from art lovers so that why each work produced by me is always sold out. I have a lot of collectors in the country. Collectors by saying that they collect my work as an investment have motivated me enough and Knowing the response so unusual, the burning spirit to continue to work with the total dedication continues to me.