Evergreen Banana Trees
TJIONG IT MOY was born in Bekasi on 27
January 1960 .She currently resides in the
beautiful country of Indonesia, is married
and has a son.In 2012, she began to paint all
objects that interested her.
Later, in 2014, she was interested in a banana
tree that happened to be in the backyard of
her home and liked the concept of studying
a Banana tree and making it her subject for
her paintings, She found banana tree as very
beautiful with old leaves, young leaves, dried
leaves, fruit, heart, trunk, all very interesting
with lot of colors.
Even with the limited, neutral palette It-
moy uses complementary hues. Those greens
of the banana tree and pale tan skies are a
good choice because they visually increase
the painting texturally interesting piece while
adding to the emotion or feeling of the scene.
Suddenly we see,everything is a little more
deliberate, too, as if the artist had a longer
time to linger here, perhaps in the shade of
those trees. The paintings are magnificently
picturesque and conversing with the viewer.
The concept of the Banana tree ,illustrated
in ItmoyTjiong painting, in a bold and
original manner takes us into a different
world of unity and growth .The swirling
branches and the tangles of such branch-
es, Banana fruits and flowers captured in
most unique way, suggesting the perpe-
tuity of life, give the viewer a glimpse of
the language and essence of the tree. The
branches twist, twirl, turn, and undulate,
creating an expression of life’s complexi-
ty with beauty. With its branches reaching
for the sky, the tree roots into the earth
beneath, creating the cosmicconnection
between life and earth.
Tjiong Itmoy,loves to paint the Banana
trees and also explains us why she chose
the subject as her experession of art .Few
words exchanged with her give us an
exclusive insight on the brilliance of this
amazing artist.