STAR : How have you been so successful with marketing and selling your art ?
S , RAGAN : I am still working on selling my art , I market myself on line , through Facebook , and my website : www . sanddansart . com I am in several local art groups . The last couple of years , money has been tight for most people , so sales haven ’ t been as good , but , I continue to find new avenues for my work . I was fortunate enough to have one of my Beatles pieces in a traveling Beatles art show , in Italy and England last year .
STAR : What style of art would you classify your work ?
S . RAGAN : I would say I am a realist , I try to paint in a realistic way .
STAR : How did your art works become famous ?
S . RAGAN : I am locally famous at the Fest for Beatles Fans , Chicago , because I have won so many times there 9 times out of the last 10 years . I have been blessed to know some international artists , and to be part of a great international Beatles art show . I think I have made some great friends though Facebook . When they saw my work , they contacted me to be part of the All you need is paint , Beatles show , that travelled throughout Italy last year , and was featured in Liverpool at the International Beatles week last August , 2016 .
STAR : Any other advice for artists trying to get established ?
S . RAGAN : Never give up , keep doing what you love . Follow your dreams . If you enjoy making art , keep doing it , no matter what obstacle comes in your way .
Sandra Ragan has been awarded many times , and has won many art contests as well . The list is too big to mention all . A plaque she painted is permanently mounted in La Grunge , Illinois , where she resides . She had the privilege to exhibit her paintings at Harrison Works , in Oak Park in 2010 , a show dedicated to John Lennon on his 70th birthday . ‘ You can know more about her at http :// www . sanddansart . com /